How Do You Value A Car Accident Claim in Georgia?

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Invariably in my initial consultation with a new Georgia personal injury client, the client will ask how much his case is worth. As a general rule, we are not able to determine the value of a car accident case until we receive all the necessary information including the accident report, witness statements, medical treatment and outcome of the injuries.

If you consult with an attorney and he/she tells you the value of your case during the initial consultation I recommend that you have the attorney put that in writing or you should hit the road and find another lawyer.

georgia car accident lawyer
Moffitt Law are Georgia car accident attorneys serving the cities of Lagrange, Columbus and Carrollton.

There are some of the factors that will determine the value of your Georgia car accident case:

  • The facts of the accident
  • Liability (who was at fault for the accident)
  • The damage to the cars, trucks, motorcycle
  • Whether you were seen in the emergency room
  • The nature and extent of your injuries
  • The type of treatment that you received
  • Your long term outcome
  • The amount of medical and/or hospital bills
  • Whether or not you lost work
  • Whether you lost your ability to earn money in the future
  • Your pain, suffering and loss of quality of life

More importantly, the value of your Georgia car accident case will be dependent on the other party’s ability to pay. In other words, a person may be severely injured in a car accident with a claim worth $500,000, if the other person only has a $100,000 in insurance and no assets, the claim will only be worth $100,000.

So the answer to your question at the initial consultation is we do not know how much your car accident claim is worth because we do not have enough information at the outset of the case. Some lawyers will tell clients that the claim is worth a “lot of money.” If you hear that in your initial consultation, you should probably consult another lawyer because the only way a case can be valued is with all the information.

If you have been injured in a Georgia Car Accident you need to hire an attorney right away. Get help now, 762-323-1460.

762-200-2924 phone Available 24/7

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