About DUI Schools in Georgia

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A DUI conviction in Georgia will have a heavy impact on your life. Not only may you face jail time, but you would also lose your driver’s license for some time. There are other requirements that you would have to complete before you can regain your driving privileges, including a classroom course.

To understand what could happen if you are convicted of drunk driving, reach out to an experienced DUI attorney in Carrollton, GA today at Moffitt Law, LLC.

You Must Take and Complete a DUI Class Before You Can Drive Again

Those who are convicted of DUI in Georgia will likely be ordered to complete a risk reduction class as part of their sentence. They will need to take a class at a DUI school to learn more about the impacts of drunk driving and to get counseling.

You must complete this class before your driver’s license can be reinstated after a mandatory suspension. You would need a certificate of completion as proof that you took the course.

DUI classes (also known as a risk reduction program) are offered by many providers. Most driving schools are approved by the state to offer this class.

You’ll likely choose the DUI school that is most convenient for you. The price of the course is set by state law, so the different providers are not competing on price.

There Are Two Parts to a DUI Class

The DUI class begins with an assessment. State law sets the cost of this assessment at $100.

You will be asked 130 questions about your drug and alcohol use. The answers that you have provided to these questions will determine what content is included in your course.

It takes approximately 30-45 minutes to complete the prior assessment. There are several options for DUI classes that you could take.

After you complete the assessment, there is a 20-hour classroom component of the course (called the intervention). Georgia regulations allow you to complete the classroom portion of the class over Zoom. In many cases, you can take all the classes for a weekend or a long weekend.

Many providers will break the 20 hours up into three sessions. You can take the class when it is most convenient for you, whether on a weekday or weekend. You must finish the entire course to receive a certificate of completion.

The intervention part of the course will cost you $235, and there is a $25 charge for books.

Thus, the total fee for the DUI course is $360. In the end, this could be money that is well spent for you.

The DUI Class Can Be Helpful to Your Life and Future

The classroom component contains helpful counseling and teaches you vital tools. Teachers will engage with you and may lead interactive discussions in addition to the instruction. While the class is mandated by the court, you should participate completely and view it as a learning exercise rather than something that you must do.

If you have been convicted of DUI for a second time, there would be a more intensive process.

In addition, you may also need a clinical evaluation before taking any courses.

Consider Taking a Class Soon After You Have Been Charged With a DUI

It may be in your best interests to take the class before you are even ordered to do so by the court. Taking the class on your own may be a way to show the prosecutor that you are serious about turning your life around.

It could put your attorney in a stronger position when it comes to negotiating a plea bargain if that is the course of action that you choose to take. You may need to take the course sooner or later, so you might want to consider taking it immediately.

Contact a Georgia DUI Attorney Today

If you have been charged with DUI in Georgia, you need to be aware of your legal options before you do anything further. You should contact an experienced DUI attorney at Moffitt Law, LLC today to discuss your case and a potential path forward. You can schedule a free consultation when you message us online or call us today at 762-200-2924. You must make this call soon.

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