How to Choose a Criminal Defense Lawyer

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When you hire a criminal defense lawyer, you are putting your future in their hands. Your case may be the most important thing to ever happen to you, which is why you need to hire the right lawyer. Here are some tips for choosing a criminal defense attorney.

Get a Referral

Your family or friends may have worked with an attorney in the past with whom they were satisfied. Personal knowledge and experience are worth far more than a promise that someone you have never met makes online. A track record for someone that you know could give you confidence in an attorney.

Prioritize Responsiveness

You need an attorney who will be there for you because things can happen quickly in your case. In addition, you are under a significant strain. Your attorney should provide a high level of service and respond to phone calls and emails within a reasonable time. You should get a sense of their service when you have your initial conversations. Since your attorney is a counselor on the criminal process, they should be available to you.

Go With Experience

Not every criminal defense attorney has the experience necessary to handle the charges that you face. Not every criminal charge is the same, and some cases may be far more complex than others. Some attorneys may have particular expertise in a type of case. Learn more about your attorney’s exact experience by asking them questions during your initial consultation.

Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers

We can help protect your legal rights and work for the best legal outcome when you are in the criminal justice system. Call Moffitt Law at (762) 212-3951 or fill out a contact form online to discuss your case with us.

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Am I obligated to hire a lawyer?

There is no legal obligation, but representing yourself is a bad idea.

When should I call an attorney?

You should have a lawyer right after you have been charged or know that you are being investigated.

What happens if the police show up to search my home?

They usually need a warrant, but you should call a lawyer either way.

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