5 Action That Will Protect Your Rights After Being Injured in Georgia

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You were recently injured in an Georgia accident. It could be a car or truck accident or even a slip and fall. You’re not sure if you are going to make a claim, how to proceed or if you think its necessary to talk to a lawyer. Whether you decide to bring a claim or not, there are action steps that you can do now that will protect your rights in case in decide to bring a claim in the future.

If you are injured, the initial goal should be get the medical attention that you need to recover, however, there are a lot of tricks, traps, pitfalls, and mistakes that personal injury victims fall into in the immediate aftermath. If you avoid these mistakes, you will not give up your rights or jeopardizing your claim before you’ve made a decision about how to proceed.

The 5 Actions That Will Protect Your Rights

So whether you decide to bring a claim for your injury or not, you should heed this advice. These five action steps are not difficult but will go a long way to help protect your rights:

  1. Seek medical attention for your injuries.
  2. Don’t give a recorded statement.
  3. Don’t sign anything you don’t understand.
  4. Be mindful of what you say to the insurance company. Anything you say will be used against you to undercut your claim.
  5. Save documents, photos, billing statements, and other evidence related to the accident.

No one decides to get into an accident and nobody wants to deal with the stress and frustration after an accident, however, if you follow these five action steps the process will be much easier and you will be better off in the long run.

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions about an Georgia personal injury matter call us now at 762-323-1460 to learn about your legal rights.

762-200-2924 phone Available 24/7

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