Carrollton Slip and Fall Attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured by a bad fall at a commercial property in Georgia, our Carrollton slip and fall attorneys are willing to help. We wield our knowledge of Georgia premises liability law to examine whether an accidental fall could have been prevented, and seek compensation on your behalf. Contact us to begin your case.

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Slip and fall accidents can occur practically anywhere and cause severe injuries. In Georgia, you have the right to recover compensation for your losses if your accident resulted from the property owner’s negligence, meaning they failed to maintain safe conditions for lawful visitors. When you work with a Carrollton slip and fall attorney at Moffitt Law, LLC, we will help you understand the legal options available to you and the value of your claim.

How Our Carrollton Slip and Fall Attorney Can Help You

Our Carrollton slip and fall lawyers can provide invaluable assistance when filing a claim for damages. Key tasks we perform for clients include:

  • Investigation: We conduct an independent investigation, including visiting the accident site, gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses. This helps establish liability.
  • Gather evidence: We collect and preserve crucial evidence such as surveillance footage, maintenance records and incident reports to build a strong case.
  • Provide legal guidance: We offer legal counsel, explaining the complexities of personal injury law and helping our clients understand their rights and options.
  • Negotiate: We negotiate with the property owner’s insurance company to seek a fair settlement covering all recoverable damages.
  • Litigate: If the insurance adjuster does not provide a fair offer, we will prepare to file a lawsuit and represent our client’s case in court, advocating for their best interests.

Having a legal representative on your side can make a significant difference. You are more likely to settle without going to court, and the chances of a better settlement are higher. We work diligently to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Most Common Causes of Falls and Where They Happen

Slip and fall accidents can occur on commercial or residential properties. In either case, the property owner is liable for damages if their negligence causes the fall. Some common causes and where they occur include:

  • Slippery surfaces: Falls often occur on wet or icy sidewalks, floors or stairs due to inadequate maintenance, spills or inclement weather.
  • Tripping hazards: Objects left in pathways, uneven flooring or poorly maintained walkways can lead to tripping accidents, particularly in homes and workplaces.
  • Lack of handrails: An absence of or broken handrails on stairs and ramps can result in falls, especially in public buildings or residences.
  • Inadequate lighting: Poorly lit areas in homes, parking lots and public spaces can obscure obstacles and increase the risk of falls.
  • Footwear issues: Wearing inappropriate or ill-fitting footwear can contribute to falls, particularly when combined with slippery or uneven surfaces.

Falls are most prevalent in residential spaces, public areas, healthcare facilities, outdoor settings and workplaces. A Carrollton slip and fall attorney at Moffitt Law, LLC, will evaluate your case to determine who is at fault and how to prove their legal liability.

How to Document a Slip and Fall Accident

To document a slip and fall accident, report the incident to the property owner or manager and ensure they create a written accident report. Then, immediately seek medical attention to address your injuries and create a medical record.

If possible, gather evidence at the accident scene, including photographs of the hazardous conditions, your visible injuries and the surroundings. Note the date, time and weather conditions. If there were witnesses, obtain their names and contact information to corroborate your account. Preserve the clothing and footwear you wore during the accident as potential evidence, and maintain a detailed record of injuries, medical treatment and expenses, encompassing doctor’s visits, prescriptions and related costs.

Finally, contact our firm’s Carrollton slip and fall attorney to discuss your legal options for recovering compensation.

Several factors can complicate these cases, making it more challenging to recover damages. We handle all the complexities while you focus on healing.

How to Prove Liability for a Slip and Fall

The first step in proving liability for a slip and fall accident is to verify that the property owner owed you a duty of care and breached that duty with negligence. Establish that a hazardous condition existed on the property by providing clear documentation, such as photographs, witness statements or incident reports. Show that the property owner knew or should have known about the hazard and failed to address it promptly.

Second, demonstrate that your injuries directly resulted from the hazardous condition. Medical records and expert testimony can help prove this. By meticulously documenting the hazard, its awareness and the connection to your injuries, you can build a compelling case to prove liability.

Damages You Can Recover From a Slip and Fall Claim

Damages you can recover from a slip and fall claim with the help of our Carrollton slip and fall lawyers include:

  • Medical expenses: You can seek compensation for past and future medical bills related to your injuries, such as doctor visits, surgeries, medications and therapy.
  • Lost wages: If your injuries caused you to miss work, you recover lost income, including potential future earnings.
  • Pain and suffering: Non-economic damages, such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress, are also available to claim.

Recovering damages from a slip and fall claim can help you cover the financial losses and suffering you endured due to the accident. Having legal representation from an experienced personal injuyr lawyer increases the possibility of recovering adequate compensation.

Contact a Carrollton Slip and Fall Attorney at Moffitt Law, LLC

Slip and fall accidents can result in devastating consequences, especially for more vulnerable members of the population. Our Carrollton slip and fall attorneys at Moffitt Law, LLC, will fight to protect your right to compensation, ensuring the insurance company does not undermine the value of your claim. Contact us to schedule your free consultation today and take the first step toward financial, physical and emotional recovery.

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