How Long Does Alimony Last? A Legal Perspective

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The length of time that a spouse will receive alimony varies case by case. There are different types of alimony under Georgia law and different factors that determine the payments and length of time a payee will receive it. Whether you are seeking alimony or are trying to minimize how much you gave to pay, you should discuss your situation with an attorney as soon as you can.

Types of Georgia Alimony

Georgia state law Section 19-6-1 stipulates different kinds of alimony or spousal support.

  • Permanent alimony
  • Temporary alimony
  • Rehabilitative alimony

Permanent alimony is one where you may be awarded alimony every week or month until the other spouse passes or you remarry. This is common for marriages that were longer than 20 years.

Temporary alimony refers to an amount that is awarded for a certain length of time. A common timeframe for temporary alimony is six months to one year of alimony for every year of the marriage.

Rehabilitative alimony is awarded when spouses need money to adjust to the life circumstances of a marriage ending. This type of alimony will be ordered when a spouse is at a financial disadvantage and is always temporary.

Factors Impacting Georgia Alimony Length and Amounts

Alimony is intended to maintain the lifestyle of a spouse after marriage. In order for the court to determine amounts, the financial lifestyle and marriage will be examined. These are the factors that will determine how long you get spousal support:

  • Length of marriage
  • Financial circumstances of each party
  • Standard of living
  • Reason for marital dissolution
  • Parental contributions, if applicable

Contact a Georgia Family Law Attorney Today

The best way to ensure that your rights are protected in any family law matter is to get the advice of an experienced attorney. Contact Moffitt Law today for a free consultation on your spousal support questions.

[RELATED ARTICLE]: How Does Alimony Work?


Can I change the amount of spousal support after a court order?

It is important that a change of life circumstance has taken place in order for a spousal support order to be modified. If you are simply unhappy with the current order, you are not likely to have your request granted without extenuating circumstances.

What if my former spouse doesn’t pay the ordered amount of alimony?

When you are awarded spousal support by the court, this is a court order. Failure to pay spousal support is a violation of that order, and that order can be enforced. There are a number of potential consequences for this, and it would start with a contempt citation. It could lead to a loss of your driver’s license, additional fines, and even jail.

If your former spouse is not paying ordered support, contact your attorney immediately.

Do I need a lawyer to get alimony?

There is no requirement that you retain an attorney to obtain alimony, but doing so will improve your chances of obtaining the outcome you want.

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