Follow These Steps To Protect Your Georgia Motorcycle Accident Claim

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The stress of a motorcycle accident can cause people to panic and act in ways that could hurt their motorcycle injury claim. As a result, being prepared is extremely important. If you are ever involved in a Georgia motorcycle accident, the following tips may not only help you recover but may also help you win your injury case.

Steps To Follow After Georgia Motorcycle Accident

If you are physically able, the first thing you should do is contact the police. While waiting for the police to arrive,  you should leave your motorcycle where it is unless it causes a danger. By not moving your bike, the investigating police officer will be able to document how the crash took place.  Later on, the police report diagram and narrative will be necessary to help prove your case.

If there are any witnesses, you should get their names and contact information . A witness can back up your story and help prove the facts of your case. You or your lawyer should get a written statement from the witness shortly after the accident.  The statement can help in two ways.  First, if the other driver’s insurance company is disputing fault – it can be used to help change the adjuster’s mind.  Second, if a lawsuit has to be filed, the witness’ deposition will be taken years after the accident.  The written statement will help the witness remember what he previously said about the motorcycle accident.

Injured in a motorcycle wreck? Call 762-200-2924 for help now!

See a Doctor!

The first thing you must do when you are finished at the scene is get checked out by a doctor. Some motorcyclists refuse medical attention, believing their injuries aren’t serious.  Some injuries take hours to show up, so receiving medical attention immediately can help you avoid future medical problems.  If you refuse medical attention or wait a while before seeing a doctor, the other driver’s insurance company will use that information against you to argue that you were not really injured in the crash.

Speak to an attorney

If you have suffered with injuries because of the motorcycle accident, you should speak with a personal injury lawyer to learn about you legal options.

What you do after a Georgia motorcycle accident is what determines your case. This is where a motorcycle accident lawyer can help. Your lawyer can gather evidence that supports your position that the other driver is responsible for your accident. He or she will also speak with the insurance company in an effort to get the most compensation possible for your motorcycle crash.  The officer will also write out a police report detailing the events leading to the accident, he or she may also write on the report who was responsible for the accident.

Because so much is at stake, you should contact a motorcycle crash injury lawyer in Georgia who has experience with these types of cases and the medical knowledge to understand your injuries.


A motorcycle accident can lead to long-term medical problems.  These problems may include lifetime scarring, problems with legs, hips, back and neck as well as problems with memory and concentration.   Your life may have been turned upside down because of a motorcycle accident.

Georgia personal injury law is complex. The insurance company’s only goal is to save money for its shareholders not to provide full can complete compensation for a motorcyclist’s injuries.   Most people are just not able to handle their Georgia motorcycle crash claim on their own.

If you have any questions about a motorcycle accident claim, call a Georgia motorcycle lawyer at  (762) 323-1460.

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