The Biggest Mistake You Can Make With Your Accident Claim

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If you, your friends or family members are one of the thousands of people who have been injured in a Georgia car accident, do not make this mistake because it will diminish your chance of recovery.

You must call the police to the accident scene and obtain the name and number of any potential witnesses to the crash. Let me repeat, you must call the police!

This is the typical scenario. You are involved in an accident and the other driver is scared and asks that you do not call the police. The other driver will say something like, “I will take care of your car – please don’t call the police.” You being a nice person and feeling sorry for the guy say, “okay.” This act of kindness can mess up your accident case if you are injured.

The Problem: If you don’t call the police to the scene of the accident, it can be very difficult to prove the case. Without verifiable documentation from the police, the insurance company may dispute that the accident even happened.

The solution: Call the police because it is important to document the accident and determine fault. At the accident scene, you should also get the contact information from any witnesses. Sometimes witnesses will stop at the scene to make sure no one is severely injured and they will leave before the police arrive, so make sure you have paper and a writing instrument in your glove box. I can’t tell you how important it can be in the future to have an independent witness to corroborate your recollection of the events that caused the accident.

If you are physically able, you should also take photographs of the scene and vehicles. Once the roadway is cleaned up, the accident scene cannot be duplicated. If you do not have a camera on your cell phone put a disposable camera in your vehicle.

If you have been injured in a Georgia Car Accident give us a call. We are here to answer questions and get you help. 762-200-2924 for all of your needs.

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